Land Use Planning & Development Solutions

We often times use GIS to help with planning.

Designing fire-resilient communities requires a holistic approach to wildfire mitigation. We can assist your development team in innovating performance-based alternatives to fire and building code requirements.

EIR & CEQA Wildfire Mitigations:

With the extensive wildfire experience of our team, we will guide you through CEQA‘s wildfire risk impacts analysis to provide the responses and mitigations needed to successfully complete an environmental impact report (EIR).

Community Evacuation Planning

As this wildfire nears a city, the community needs to evacuate.

Having led the firefight in some of California’s largest, deadliest, and most destructive wildfires, including the Camp Fire in Paradise, California, and the Thomas Fire in Ventura County, California, our team offers the expertise required to lead your community in developing an Evacuation plan.

Litigation Support

Find support in the court room.

Our expert witnesses are ready to assist you with the most challenging cases. We have a wide range of experience in civil and criminal court trials, depositions, land use planning and development, investigations, and fire code interpretation.

  • Fire Causation Experts

  • Land Use Planning & Development

  • Fire Code Interpretation and Application

Fire Behavior & Threat Analysis

This engulfing fire is scary to the untrianed eye. Lets us help you better understand fire behavior and threats.

Fire Behavior Analysts (FBAN) are highly trained and experienced wildfire professionals that must complete hundreds of hours of training to become a Certified FBAN. Only a Certified FBAN is qualified to interpret fire behavior models used to estimate fire growth. Wildfire estimates provided by PyroAnalysis are prepared by highly regarded FBANs with more than 40 years of fire service experience.

Incident & Emergency Management Mentorship

Our team help manage the emergency incident.

Clarity of objective, careful instruction, and thoughtful review of an emergency operation brings calm and order to an emerging event. Our team of Incident Management experts will provide guidance and mentorship during Emergency Incident Operations.  Our staff has the experience and qualifications required to effectively lead your organization through dynamic situations where time is of the essence and success is a necessity.